As it's Halloween tomorrow, we got thinking about our visit to Salem, MA last month. We studied Arthur Miller’s The Crucible in school and had been fascinated by the history of the Salem Witch Trials – how public hysteria spurred on by misinformation and conspiracy could get so out of control (I’m sure we can all relate to that after 2020), and so added Salem to our road trip as a stop after Boston.
The most important thing to remember is that there were no witches in Salem in 1692. None. These weren’t a group of Pagans who were persecuted by the Christian Puritans, these were deeply devout, god fearing villagers who were accused of something they hadn’t done, were denied a fair trial and were executed for it.

We left Salem with mixed feelings – it’s like the city can’t make up its mind whether it wants to commemorate the victims of the Salem witch trials – an absolute travesty of justice where at least 25 people died - or whether it wants to embrace the kitsch-y witchy camp Halloween industry that clearly brings in a lot of tourism. The main street, with Harry Potter shops, horror wax work museums and tourists wearing stripey tights and pointy hats, felt like a theme park, and you had to keep reminding yourself about the actual history.
The only building in Salem itself relating to the trials is the Witch House where Judge Jonathan Corwin lived. Otherwise you can visit the two memorials to the victims, one in the centre and one at Proctor’s Ledge close to where they were hanged.

Be sure to also stop in Danvers, which was originally Salem Village, where the villagers actually lived. While all of the buildings have long since gone, you can visit the foundations of Reverend Parris’ parsonage (4) where Abigail Williams, Tituba and Betty Parris lived. It was here that the spark that ignited the witch hysteria of 1692 was struck.

Danvers has a very moving memorial that commemorates not only those executed, but also those who died in prison, along with their own words.

Have you been to Salem? What did you think?